How can you ensure online security?
At Sunshine Pharmacy we value patient security. We pay close attention to the safety of your confidential personal information.
All online communication and orders on the Sunshine Pharmacy website are processed via Secure Sockets Layer (SSL version 3.0 or higher) and are secured using a true VeriSign SSL Certificate. This means your data can’t be intercepted by anyone else on the internet.
All information you submit through our website is encrypted before it gets transmitted to the TCP’s Secure Customer Service Centre. When your order is Encrypted it means it’s not readable by anyone other than Sunshine Pharmacy authorized staff.
Sunshine Pharmacy’s computer networks and systems are protected in order to stop unauthorized traffic from reaching our internal network. TCP’s internal computer systems will never be exposed to the internet and cannot be reached by anyone who is not authorized.
If you have further questions about our security measures, email
Is my personal information safe?
Protecting patient information is a primary concern of Sunshine Pharmacy.
Read over our Privacy Policy here to learn more.
Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act forbids us from releasing any customer’s medical, personal, or financial information without your consent to anybody other than the employees of Sunshine Pharmacy responsible for filling your orders.